Study groups

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Intercommission Study Groups

ic_sg1&'''IC-SG1: Theory, implementation and quality assessment of geodetic reference frames'''
Chair: A. Dermanis (Greece)
Affiliation: Comm. 1, IERS

IC-SG2: Quality of geodetic multi-sensor systems and networks
Chair: H. Kutterer (Germany)
Affiliation: Comm. 4, 1

IC-SG3: Configuration analysis of Earth oriented space techniques

Chair: F. Seitz (Germany)
Affiliation: Comm. 3, 2, 1

'IC-SG4: Inverse theory and global optimization


Chair: C. Kotsakis (Greece)
Affiliation: Comm. 2

'IC-SG5: Satellite gravity theory


Chair: T. Mayer-Gürr (Germany)
Affiliation: Comm. 2

'IC-SG6: InSAR for tectonophysics


Chair: M. Furuya (Japan)
Affiliation: Comm. 3, 4

'IC-SG7: Temporal variations of deformation and gravity


Chair: D. Wolf (Germany)
Affiliation: Comm. 3, 2