JSG T.38

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JSG T.23: High-rate GNSS

Chair: Mattia Crespi (Italy)
Affiliation:Commissions 1, 3 4 and GGOS


The gravitational field represents one of the principal properties of any planetary body. Physical quantities, e.g., the gravitational potential or its gradients (components of gravitational tensors), describe gravitational effects of any mass body. They help indirectly in sensing inner structures of planets and their (sub-)surface processes. Thus, they represent an indispensable tool for understanding inner structures and processes of planetary bodies and for solving challenging problems in geodesy, geophysics and other planetary sciences.

Various measurement principles have been developed for collecting gravitational data by terrestrial, marine, airborne or satellite sensors. From a theoretical point of view, different parameterizations of the gravitational field have been introduced. To transform observable parameters into sought parameters, various methods have been introduced, e.g., boundary-value problems of the potential theory have been formulated and solved analytically by integral transformations.

Transforms based on solving integral equations of Stokes, Vening-Meinesz and Hotine have traditionally been of significant interest in geodesy as they accommodated gravity field observables in the past. However, new gravitational data have recently become available with the advent of satellite-to-satellite tracking, Doppler tracking, satellite altimetry, satellite gravimetry, satellite gradiometry and chronometry. Moreover, gravitational curvatures have already been measured in laboratory. New observation techniques have stimulated formulations of new boundary-value problems, equally as possible considerations on a tie to partial differential equations of the second order on a two-dimensional manifold. Consequently, the family of surface integral formulas has considerably extended, covering now mutual transformations of gravitational gradients of up to the third order.

In light of numerous efforts in extending the apparatus of integral transforms, many theoretical and numerical issues still remain open. Within this JSG, open theoretical questions related to existing surface integral formulas, such as stochastic modelling, spectral combining of various gradients and assessing numerical accuracy, will be addressed. We also focus on extending the apparatus of spheroidal integral transforms which is particularly important for modelling gravitational fields of oblate or prolate planetary bodies.


  • To realize the inventories of:
    • the available and applied methodologies for high-rate GNSS, in order to highlight their pros and cons and the open problems,
    • the present and wished applications of high-rate GNSS for science and engineering, with a special concern to the estimated quantities (geodetic, kinematic, physical), in order to focus on related problems (still open and possibly new) and draw future challenges
    • the technology (hw, both for GNSS and ancillary sensors, and sw, possibly FOSS), pointing out what is ready and what is coming, with a special concern for the supplied observations and for their functional and stochastic modeling with the by-product of establishing a standardized terminology
  • To address known (mostly cross-linked) problems related to high-rate GNSS as (not an exhaustive list): revision and refinement of functional and stochastic models; evaluation and impact of observations time-correlation; impact of multipath and constellation change; outliers detection and removal; issues about GNSS constellations interoperability; ancillary sensors evaluation, cross-calibration and integration
  • To address the new problems and future challanges arised from the inventories
  • To investigate about the interaction with present real-time global (IGS-RTS, EUREF-IP, etc.) and regional/local positioning services: how can these services support high-rate GNSS observations and, on reverse, how can they benefit of high-rate GNSS observations

Program of activities

  • To launch a questionnaire for the above mentioned inventory of methodologies, applications and technologies.
  • To open a web page with information concerning high-rate GNSS and its wide applications in science and engineering, with special emphasis on exchange of ideas, provision and updating bibliographic list of references of research results and relevant publications from different disciplines.
  • To launch the proposal for two (one science and the other engineering oriented) state-of-the-art review papers in high-rate GNSS co-authored by the JSG Members.
  • To organize a session at the forthcoming Hotine-Marussi symposium.
  • To promote sessions and presentation of the research results at international symposia both related to Earth science (IAG/IUGG, EGU, AGU, EUREF, IGS) and engineering (workshops and congresses in structural and geotechnical engineering).


Mattia Crespi (Italy), chair
Juan Carlos Baez (Chile)
Elisa Benedetti (United Kingdom)
Geo Boffi (Switzerland)
Gabriele Colosimo (Switzerland)
Athanasios Dermanis (Greece)
Roberto Devoti (Italy)
Jeff Freymueller (USA)
Joao Francisco Galera Monico (Brazil)
Jianghui Geng (Germany)
Kosuke Heki (Japan)
Melvin Hoyer (Venezuela)
Nanthi Nadarajah (Australia)
Yusaku Ohta (Japan)
Ruey-Juin Rau (Taiwan)
Eugenio Realini (Italy)
Chris Rizos (Australia)
Nico Sneeuw (Germany)
Peiliang Xu (Japan)


[Biblioraphy [1]]